

19 OCT | 14H30-17H30 | BATALHA CENTRO DE CINEMA | BAR 2 | 180’

Eu, na minha cidade


(6-12 years old)

In this workshop, the participants will focus on the differences that unite us. We will reflect on diversity, empathy, and democracy. 
Who are we in our city? 
To accomplish this, we will integrate diverse artistic mediums such as photography, painting, and cinema. Through the manipulation of family archive slides, we will conduct artistic experiments by employing collages, paint, words, and sounds. Ultimately, we will create an imaginative portrayal of us in our city.


Tânia Dinis

Tânia Dinis (Vila Nova de Famalicão, 1983) holds a Master's degree in Contemporary Artistic Practices from FBAUP (2015) and a Bachelor's degree in Theatre Studies from ESMAE (2006). Her work spans various perspectives and artistic fields – photography, performance, cinema – in a relational aesthetic, using family archive images, personal or anonymous, their appropriation, or other records of real images. She was selected for the FilmaPorto Grant with the short film project TÃO PEQUENINAS, TINHAM O AR DE SEREM JÁ CRESCIDAS, which won the Best National Short Film award at IndieLisboa 2024. Her theater show Elas Entram e Ficam! (2023) was produced by TEP and Teatro Municipal do Porto. She led the educational project Todos vivemos a mesma viagem de maneiras diferentes (2022) for Circuito Braga Media Arts Braga, GNRATION. She also led the educational project ATOS, Odisseia Nacional at Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, with the National Arts Plan and Circuito Braga Media Arts Braga (2023).
Her short film Não são favas, são feijocas (2013) received awards at several film festivals, followed by other works such as Arco da Velha (2015), Laura (2017) – which won the Archive in Focus award at the International Archive Film Festival in Brazil – and Lurdes (2022), which won an award at FUSO Video Art Lisbon. Her short film Catraias (2013) was produced by the Vila do Conde International Short Film Festival. She held a solo exhibition, ALEGORIA FOTOGRÁFICA, at CAAA – Center for Art and Architecture Affairs, supported by DGArtes, in 2020, with a reprise in 2023 at Cruce gallery in Madrid. She was the selected artist for the 2nd Creation Grant of PACT - Territorial Creation Support Plan ARTISTA NO CENTRO 2019/2021 by A Oficina Guimarães. She was selected as a director for SANGUE NOVO at the 22nd Luso-Brazilian Film Festival of Santa Maria da Feira, 2019. She was one of the winners of the Summer Laboratories at GNRATION with the audiovisual installation sobrepostos (2020).
She has collaborated with the educational services of Curtas Metragens de Vila do Conde, Porto Post Doc, Porto, Family Film Project, Festival S8, and Coruña. In 2020/2021, she taught the first-year Theatre course at the University of Minho's Theatre Department. She is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Cinema and Theatre at ESAP in Porto.
Her work is part of the contemporary art collection of the Municipality of Porto.