Statement of the Jury of the Festival:
The jury welcomes the selection of films in competition that includes a wide variety of cinematic approaches, which is why decided to award two films:
THIS FILM MUST NOT BE WATCHED, by Iranian director Ali Kalantari, for the relevance and complexity of the subject and boldness of the narrative.
DIÁSPORA, by the Portuguese filmmaker Regina Guimarães, for the poetic film that combines the family film with the travel carnet, giving body to a diaspora of affections.
The jury also decided to give special Mention to the film
HOW I LIVE, AS YOU WANTED TO KNOW, the Danish director Christian Einshoj, for the search for a cinema that is revealed through the relationship with life and a place where intimacy affront loneliness.
The jury was composed by Luciana Fina, Jorge Campos and Paolo Simoni.