Andreas Grützner

2016 Germany DOC / EXP 8 '

A family portrait told through Super8 footage and old tapes from 1975-77. In its essence the question about belief. A boy and his dilemma to stand between the wish for freedom, struggle in adolescence and strong urge for Christian enlightenment from his family background. At the same time the few back on death of parents and remaining questions.


As an independent filmmaker Andreas Grützner is specialized in documentary filmmaking. So far he has released thirteen short and long documentary films. His latest film ROMY, I AM SHY was screened at more than fifty festivals worldwide and received several awards. Aside from being a filmmaker, Andreas Grützner is also the founder and director of KLAPPE AUF!, the inclusive shortfilmfestival in Hamburg. The aim of the festival is to curate and present contemporary artistic shortfilms which are adapted in order to be accessible for differently abled people.
