Diary of Pamplona
gonzalo egurza
A trip to Pamplona in the early 70s. Behind the lovely travel diaries, lies a story of love and intolerance.
Born in Buenos Aires in 1984, he graduated at the Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires where he studied film direction. He teaches at the same University in subjects Audiovisual Techniques and Digital Techniques. Both of them, related to Experimental Film & Video-art. He is a founder member of the collective ARKHÉ, focused on research and management of art works and audiovisual productions. His personal audiovisual works consist in independent productions such as Experimental Film, Video Art and Video Installations. His films and videos were premiered at The International Shortfilm festival Oberhausen-Germany, Les Instant Video, BIEFF-Romania, Alchemy Film and Moving Image festival, International Super8mm Festival-Hungary, Ozu Film Festival, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Espacio INCAA, Fundación Telefónica, Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas, Experiments in Cinema, Semana de Video Iberoamericano, among others. He has recently been awarded with the 1st price in the Independent Film Festival of La Plata 2011. And with the Argentinean creation award in the Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento (BIM) 2012.