Fomato Ridotto Libere Riscritture del Cinema Amatoriale
antonio bigini claudio giapponesi paolo simoni
A HOME MOVIES project, directed by Kiné in collaboration with Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy).Write by Enrico Brizzi, Ermanno Cavazzoni, Emidio Clementi, Ugo Cornia e Wu Ming. A collective film that promotes the encounter among Home Movies and a group of writers. Enrico Brizzi, Ermanno Cavazzoni, Emidio Clementi, Ugo Cornia e Wu Ming 2 have developed the original texts found in the images of the Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia the chance to experiment with new narrative techniques. Thanks to very different approaches they all converge together in five surprisingly individual episodes, once in a while disguised in essays, pieces of news and wanderings. Forms of documentary that share a common element: the diverse universe of the region Emilia-Romagna.
Antonio Bigini, author and script editor. He has worked as a scriptwriter and production assistant in several production companies. To Kiné he is responsible for project planning and development. He is the author of “Anita”, the next film directed by Luca Magos and “Olho na Arte – Annina Nosei”, documentary directed by Mareike Wegener.
Claudio Giapponesi editor and producer. In 2005 he has founded, together with others shareholders. Kiné and in 2009 he became chief of the headquarters in Bologna aiming to promote and develop documentary projects. He was cameraman and editor in the films “Inimigo Dentro” and “Come un Canto”.
Paolo Simoni, founding member and president of Home Movies. He is responsible for many restoration, appraisal and publicity of cinematographic heritage. He has written several articles on these themes. After collaborating with the Cinema Library of Bologna and some festivals, since 2005 he undertakes research at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. He is a creator, curator of exhibitions and installations produced by Home Movies, recently he has dedicated himself to documentary film production resulting from filmic achieves, as author, producer and consultant.