in the dreams of others

jennida chase, hassan pitts

2014 United States EXP installation 5 '

In The Dreams of Others is a meta-fiction created by S/N, and is the first in a series of location responsive performances. The first location explored is a rural setting on the eastern banks of Lake Michigan. The performance seeks to question the sway of cognitive and relational impact that location implicates. The narrative is loosely based on creating a narrative within imagined rituals specific to environment, and operates as a fragmented representation of a rural family. The artists begin to inhabit a reality not their own, in the interest of pinpointing the reflection of space on identity. The investigation exists in two versions: as a four-channel installation, which seeks to include and envelop spectators into these mediated reflections as well as a single channel split frame screening version.


S/N is a transdisciplinary art group, which works extensively with, but not limited to, video, sound, animation, photography and mobile media. The exhibitions often include performative elements and mediated footage, pushing both experimental and conceptual ideas around media. S/N members include Jennida Chase and Hassan Pitts who have been creating collaborative work since 2008. Their works have been exhibited and screened in North America, Europe and Asia in various festivals, galleries and museums including Hong Kong Art Fair, Pekin Fine Arts, DAS Weekend and the Freies Museum in Berlin. In 2010 S/N were awarded three artist residencies, which included Ox-Bow, Elsewhere Collaborative and Milkwood in the Czech Republic. In 2011 S/N spent three months at Takt Kunstprojektraum artist residency in Berlin, Germany. In 2012 S/N was invited by SEEK-ART to create the Beijing Remix Project in Beijing for RAZE and were awarded the Culture Works Grant. In 2014 S/N are finalists for the MacArthur Grant in Documentary Film.
