Infedele Angelo

angelo loy

2014 Italy 55 '

The unbeliever tells two parallels ans significant stories in the life of touhami garnaoui my father-in-law and first north african mayor of italy. The first is a story of welcoming: the inhabitants of a small and conservative village in the countryside of rome after few years from him settling there award touhami with the title of “master of the town” and right after they convince him to run for mayor. A nice story apparently but seasoned with compromising aspects. The second is the story of touhami during the first free elections of tunisia right after the revolution. After many years he goes back to his home country to participate to its democratic life. Here again nothing is given for granted. In both cases touhami moves on the border between success and failure and the unbeliever intends to tell about the loneliness and the originality of a man never predictable in some ways exemplar with the energy and courage to die and be born again.


Angelo Loy, author of social documentary author and director participatory video trainer and facilitator. After obtaining a degree and a PhD in biology I changed my career in 1997 by co-producing emanuele crialese for first feature. The same year I directed my first documentary. Since 2000 i collaborate with amref (the african medical and research foundation - ngo) in the attempt to find new and original ways of communicating Africa through mainstream media. In this context i promoted a video training project (based on participatory video) as a tool in the rehabilitation of street children in Nairobi Kenya and directed a series of participatory video documentaries for institutions national and international broadcasters. Besides Kenya, I have been training in and facilitating participatory video projects in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Morocco and India. Alongside my activity as documentary filmmaker I have been audiovisual consultant for ONGs in Italy and Africa and author of journalistic video reports. At present time I am founder and artistic director of the school of participatory video Nairobi Kenya. In 2006 I received the real cinema and cinema for peace awards for my activities in documentary filmmaking, filmography, participatory video.
