Il gesto delle donne is an archive selection on the side of the Memoryscapes project, the Home Movies online portal for the access to italian private cinema. The work of women was caught by the gazes of film amateur, both men and women, from the 1920s through the 1970s and among 25 different films found. The subject emerges in a variety of contexts that nevertheless belongs to a typical image of women's work, albeit with some surprises. In these images, therefore, we will retrace the traces of what appears to be the classic mapping of women's professions. The factory, the fields, the house, the offices, the school: the women’s gestures, invisible for a long time, resurfaces with the strength of private images. It's a gesture of care, precision and joy. A gesture of a memory which writes the present. Il gesto delle donne (The women’s gesture) is curated by Michele Manzolini and Giulia Simi (Home Movies - Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia of Bologna).
Home Movies - Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia of Bologna ( was founded in 2002 with the aim of saving and transmitting a hidden and inaccessible audiovisual heritage through restoration, digitalization, preservation, research and valorisation activities. The archive currently has more than 30,000 small gauge films - 9.5mm, 16mm, 8mm, Super8 - including private, public and artists' films made between the 1920s and 1980s, most of them accessible on Memoryscapes, the first online platform dedicated to the discovery of the heritage of Italian private cinema ( The live sound performance is one of the methods of valorisation experimented by Home Movies. The archive lately has produced different works soundtracked live by different italian artists like Memoryscapes. Live sound Liberazione (2020), Primo maggio a colori (2020), Il gesto delle donne (2020), La città rossa (2021).