tomorrow the sun was different
anna kryvenko
"It was my game – to invent my own city". Audiovisual Project Tomorrow the sun was different originated during a walk through two cities: an actual expedition to Prague and an imaginary walk through the streets of Kiev. It follows a six-minute film Language, but no words, but it was primarily designed as a gallery installation. From the images of slides inserted in front the camera lens raises the present time as well as childhood, the memories of distant events together with the actual reality, the two cities and two time levels. The poetic images of the original home and the new one tell a story of loss ("childhood remains at infinity") and the search for a city "Of the sun. Of the sea. Of smiling people."
Anna Kryvenko (b. 1986 in Ukraine) is a student at FAMU’s Center for Audiovisual Studies. She works mainly with photography and video. Her perfor- mances and films have appeared at Festival Flu- idum, Famufest, the Jihlava International Docu- mentary Film Festival, Intermedia BB (Slovakia), the Golden Reel International Underground Film Festival (Mongolia), etc. She has participated in several group exhibitions. In her work, she is interested in demon- strating emotions with the help of a visual space which is almost physically palpable. She works with the theme of personal biography and family, e.g. how one feels in a new country when memories begin to catch up, or in a new situation such as during military or political conflicts like last year’s revolution in Kiev.