2019 Italy DOC 23 '

Walking across the desert, a revolutionary spirit (Saleh Bakri) questions the relationship between humanity and the Cosmos. Dialogue with the Unseen is a spiritual journey and a political pilgrimage to the Holy Land: a series of conversations between Palestinian men and women who share their experience of God, nature and society from a unique and unusual perspective. Through the lunar silence of Maktesh Ramon; through Dj Eisa Khalifa's intense gaze at Nazareth, as the sunset is descending from the Mount of the Precipice; through the voice of the poetess Asmaa Azaizeh on the remains of the old Haifa; Dialogue with the Unseen explores the sense of belonging and the cultural identity of a community that resists.


Valerio Rocco Orlando (1978) is an Italian artist and Professor of Multimedia Dramaturgy at Brera Academy in Milan. By defining art as a process of analysis and mutual knowledge, his research produces an open discourse, collective and personal, both aesthetically and conceptually, that explores the osmosis between institutions, museums, academia and the social sphere.
