КАЛИНА _ おくのほそ道


2022 30 '

Kalyna _ Oku no Hosomichi [Viburno _ O caminho estreito para o interior profundo]. The memories of two travelers are presented through a correspondence game between different languages and places. Text passages from Kenji Miyazawa, Matsuo Bashō, Stepan Mykolaiovych Charnetskyi, and others. Contributions from Darja Shatalova, Dimitri Karpov, Jacopo Gino and Sam Vanoverschelde.


Visual artist. His projects explore connections between multiple fields of study, articulating images, sounds and objects within the conception of a singular poetic imaginary. By combining the produced and collected elements, directed to a place of intersection between different narratives, his works aim to create spaces in which borders between reality and fiction dissolve. They’ve been frequently materialized into contextual installations that cross the languages of painting, sculpture and video. And autonomous pieces in various supports, interventions in public spaces and performances.
